Right to Redress: If you're not happy with our service
At Runnetts we work hard at providing an excellent service to our tenants. Despite our very best efforts there are occasions when our tenant customers do not agree with actions that we take or where they feel the service we provide falls short of what they expect. This is sometimes because we have to do certain things by Law. Sometimes it is because we are being instructed to do something as an Agent and we have to comply legally. Sometimes there has been a misunderstanding about a situation. Sometimes we have to take action against people because they owe rent or they are not complying with their Conditions of Tenancy. At other times (for example, with repairs and maintenance) we have to arrange for contractors to do a job and they may not be able to attend on the same day (unless it is a genuine emergency), especially if a repair is reported late-afternoon.
If you are unhappy about some aspect of the service we offer, please do the following:
Telephone , e-mail or write to us: almost all of the small number of complaints we receive are addressed and resolved quickly using this method.
However, if you aren't satisfied, please use our formal Complaints Procedure (we will send you our Complaints Information Sheet).
If you still feel that the issue hasn't been resolved, you can make a complaint to the independent Property Ombudsman, who will adjudicate your complaint and make a ruling.